….as a day on earth has been built over some years based on the building blocks of my interest in objects, furniture, interiors, art and texture, combined with an intuitive visceral response to putting together a vision, of sorts…. however, the word ‘vision’ implies a mission statement, a formal construct, a singular goal – which is not what it’s all about. The trajectories – plural, in which I work are in constant motion – evolving, moving, gathering speed, losing speed and forming new flight paths. It is a desire to create, construct, fabricate and compose, which like the random nature of thoughts and imagination aren’t linear and cannot be formatted toward a singular goal. These thoughts have an appetite for existence which ache to be satisfied and it is through daily makings and output with which we can in some way define a reason for it all. A compulsive desire drives the process to construct pieces and environments from our palette (furniture from around the world to things we make in our back garden) ideally catching fleeting thoughts and places only found in the imagination and breathe life into them….
‘if you want knowledge, you must toil for it; if you want pleasure, you must toil for it. Pleasure comes through toil and not by self-indulgence and indolence. When one loves his work, his life is a happy one.’
-Sarah Louise Arnold 1917. A Mastery of Words.
the following images through the eyes of Jeremy Blincoe
the following images through the eyes of Graham Baring…
the following images through the eyes of Earl Carter…
the Daylesford warehouse…